
Using Vue without a build step

Background I would like to share my experience using Vue 2 without a build step in my project and factors using this approach. I started experimenting with Vue.js (Vue 2) back in 2020. One of the nice feature of Vue is the ability to use the framework directly into HTML page without a build tool (compilation). This particular feature is the deciding factor why I selected this framework in migrating a jQuery based web application. I also considered how easy it is to learn and train my team. ...

October 25, 2023 · John Pili
Bus Seat Reservation UI Concept

Bus Seat Reservation User Interface Concept using Vue.js

In response to this facebook post. I created a simple bus seat reservation user interface using Vue.js and SVG. I started by preparing an SVG image of the bus seat and then render the SVG elements using Javascript (VueJS). You can use a raster image (sprite) for this but I prefer to use vector graphics (SVG) because it allows me to control the stroke and background color programmatically. The bus seat vector image looks like this ...

May 27, 2020 · John Pili