
Setup Static IP Address in Debian Linux

Setting up static IP address in Debian Linux is easy. In this simple guide, I will be configuring the IP address using the old way (ifconfig) and requires that you have system administration rights to do the following steps: Open the network interface file with the following command: sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces Once opened you might see something similar like this Your interface label might be different from the example but in this case we are interested in making interface ens33 to have a static IP....

June 12, 2021 · John Pili

Setup static IP address in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

Setting up a static IP address in your RHEL or CentOS is simple. Prerequisite This how-to guide requires that you have administrative access to the Linux operating system. Steps Inside the RHEL Operating system, open the terminal and head to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts. Using ls command, you can see the available network devices in the directory. cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts ls Use a text editor to edit the specific network device configuration vi ifcfg-ens192 A network configuration should look like similar to this In this sample configuration, we will need to specifically change or add the following: BOOTPROTO=none ONBOOT=yes IPADDR=x....

October 20, 2020 · John Pili
How to use Cloudflare as Dynamic DNS

How to use Cloudflare as Dynamic DNS

In this post I will share how I use Cloudflare as Dynamic DNS. I was previously using dynamic DNS service from No-IP for three years until a colleague of mine mentioned about Cloudflare’s really fast global DNS. Initially, I thought that Cloudflare was just a CDN and an Internet company that protects websites from Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack, upon further research I found out that Cloudflare also provides a DNS service with a REST-API for you to update your DNS records....

May 26, 2018 · John Pili